Assignment 4: My Super Hero Card!

My Super Hero is:

The description about Storm-Rage is on the card. I love trading cards and Super Heroes so this project was fun to put together. I started off with the idea that I wanted to have four main Heroes but I could only make one card. So I chose the hero that would have the deepest story (I only came up with a story for this character). I added features to his armor and his past to make him seem to be believable, when someone was to read the card. I tried to keep the fact that I hand drew both the front and the back of the card in tact as I started to play with the features that I would add and added to the final outcome. This is why the lines and bounding boxes are not perfect.

It was really fun to make the other three main Heroes on the back of the card. I wanted to do this to show were the Heroes came from and to show how if  it was a game or a show how their personalities might counter-dict with one another ask they fought the forces of darkness. All of the Heroes on the back can stand on their own as skilled fighters but they are better as a team.That is the main reason I wanted to put them on the back of the card. The reason I wanted to have just four Heroes was because I kept thinking about the elements of nature as I was making the card and Wind, Fire, Earth, and Darkness were the main features that jumped out to me. Now some may be wondering if the Black and yellow fighter is really evil and no he is not. The bug fighter is the fast agile fighter of the group and he is the strong rock type fighter.

Here are all the photos that I used to make my card, All rights to each picture is reserved back to the person or site that the picture was taken from:

2 responses to this post.

  1. This superhero card is amazing. there is clearly so much work that went into this before hand and while putting this all together. I really like the fact that it simply actually looks like a trading card, it has the same shape and design to it that one would expect. It seems as though you actually drew out the design and then added even more in photoshop which is really cool. It is also cool to see all the pictures you used for your card in their original form. It made figuring out the parts of your design much easier and more interesting. It was more interesting this way because it was really cool to see the difference in what the original picture portrays and then how your card i portrayed.


  2. Amazing Work, this is among one of the most creative cards i have seen thus far. I was impressed by your dedication in making this card as perfect as you could, i saw how you worked with your initial drawing and photoshop. Each color and background compliment each individual hero. The bio for the front of the cad is ot only interesting but its actually something that would be in an actual card. Once again good job.


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